Richard Geiger *1870 Wien Vienna - 1945 Oostenrijkse Richard Geiger war tätig in Budapest und Paris. Richard Geiger begann seine Studien in er Wiener Akademie bei
Christian Grepenkerl und Eisenmengen. Später als Richard Geiger sich in Paris aufhielt arbeitete der Künstler im Studio von L. Flameng. Seit 1893 arbeitete Richard Geiger in Budapest als Genremaler.
(Ungvar, 1882- as per other resources Vienna, 1872- Budapest, 1945) He performed his studies in Vienna and moved to Budapest in 1903. He designed several posters, invitation cards to balls, book illustrations
and ex-libris. He worked for the Kner printing house of Gyoma. On the exhibitions of the Art Gallery and the National Saloon he participated with portraits, landscapes and genre paintings. During World
War I he worked for the Tolnai World Journal as an illustrator. He had been to Paris, as well, where he painted mainly the tramps life. He won several prizes on various graphic competitions. (Source:
“Databank of Hungarian Painters and Graphic Artists”- Szeged, 1988) Literatur: Nagel 326 unter paintings /Genre /Richard Geiger
(teilweise sehr ähnliche Motive)